Saturday, December 03, 2005


Collaborative editing

For those who haven't run across it already, you should check out - it's a great example of the way the interactivity of the Internet can be used to create something better than any traditional newspaper. This is pretty much exactly the kind of thing the article I posted a couple of days ago was talking about. Of course, focuses mainly on science/tech/geek stuff because that's what the readers are interested in, but it's only a matter of time before we start seeing sites like this with a "mainstream" news focus.

Digg does have nice interactivity. However I have recently seen some posts on that discuss some of's moderation techniques. From what I have read, digg is selectivly choosing to remove some submissions for unknown reasons. here is a link: That piece and a few others I have seen suggest that digg is not the happy, unbiased news reporting engine I thought it was.
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