Saturday, March 31, 2007


Last week

Have had fun this week. Saturday 24th I went to a birthday party, we played some poker and I managed to turn $10 into $35. Sunday 25th I went to Mt Pilot with Adrian and Heike. Didn't really do much except get Adrian to start doing some trad (he led Breakfast at the Ponderosa). Also had a shot at Chicken Salad Roll (22) and got to the second bolt before being stopped by some slabby moves (need new shoes).

Tuesday I went bouldering after work with Heike and Brad. Managed to do a problem I've been struggling on - haven't exactly been trying it heaps but it is respectably difficult. Probably around V3.

Thursday, bouldering at Felltimber again with Adrian. Did another problem although it wasn't as hard. Adrian's mood improved from "looks-like-rain-let's-go-home" to "awesome-stuff-let's-come-again-tomorrow" :)

Friday (today) went to the Quarry for a quick session with Brad - tried a climb which was pretty darn annoying to set up on toprope (blame my shoes again). Then attempted the low traverse - couldn't see much but managed to crank out some cool moves. Long time since I've been there but I'm pretty sure I couldn't do them last time I was there.

Tomorrow looks like odd-job-around-the-house day, then Sunday planning for Pilot again. Maybe Buffalo if it's warm enough.

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